Sunday, December 28, 2008
We moved into our current home one year and one week ago today. And I'm finally feeling settled and starting to love this place. It took longer for me to bond with this house than it did with my first one. I was a little overwhelmed by this one at first ... more space, a much larger yard to care for, and a much higher mortgage. But finally, I'm becoming attached.I was recently laid off from the job I'd been at for four-and-a-half years, which is quite scary, especially in this economy ... however, I know moving here was the right thing to do, as was moving Ryder to a more expensive school the week before I was let go.
Fortunately, I received a good severance package and should be in good shape for several months. But it's still really scary.
I'm hoping for lots of luck and good fortune in 2009. Hope you are all enjoying the holiday ... and remember, family is definitely what's most important.