Monday, December 17, 2007
You want honesty? I woke up wanting him this morning, following a bizarre dream in which I was at a club, seeing a show by myself, when we ran into one another. I had black and red hair and was wearing a white t-shirt with black letters that said I was looking for a couple of people. Yes, written on the t-shirt was, "Looking for xxx and xxx." XXX No. 2 wasn't really an important part of the dream, though his presence was interesting nonetheless.When I bumped into XXX and his pal (not XXX No. 2), he told me I had the best tits in the entire building. Other parts of the dream are spotty, but I awoke from it abruptly after he told me his girlfriend was carrying his child. This, of course, was unrelated to the wanting, as the wanting began before he delivered the news that awoke me and, in spite of it, continued to linger.