Just Jen
Careful with the pretty things

Monday, August 20, 2007
It's official. I've reached my maximum capacity for purchasing things of unbearable cuteness, whatever the hell that means. Actually, it means I bought this sunshine for yeah, the sunshine, and this awesome play mat over the weekend.

I also bought a "thing that goes 'round and 'round." Ryder fell asleep shortly after playing with one of these, before we were able to find our way out of IKEA, so while lugging him and all of our soon-to-be-purchased treasures toward the exit, we voted to ditch the "thing that goes 'round and 'round," assuming he would forget all about it somewhere between his nap and resuming consciousness.

He awoke once we were out of the building while being buckled into the car seat. He looks at me, half asleep, and asks, "That thing that goes 'round and 'round?" His expression was one of longing.

You're thinking, "No, you didn't" -- especially if you've been in IKEA -- but I did. You should feel bad for the others in my party who patiently waited as I went back in and bought the little wooden toy. I was rewarded by being chased with it most of Sunday.

I'm obviously losing my ability to think rationally. Or perhaps I never had it, and being irrational has just never been so fun.

Monday, August 13, 2007
Upon returning home from Super Target, I'm quickly asked, "What'd ya get me? What'd ya get me?," by one Mr. Ryder.

I tell him I got bottled water, cheese, etc. He says, "No, what'd ya get me?" So I give in and let him have the DVD I have, in fact, gotten for him. I also pull out a DVD I purchased for myself.

"What's that one?"

"That one's momma's. It's called 'Belly, Butt & Thighs.'"

"Bellybutton Thighs?"

"Yes, that's right. Bellybutton Thighs."