Just Jen
Careful with the pretty things

Friday, July 13, 2007
Steve Martin's Shopgirl was made into a film several years ago, and the movie did not do the book justice. The writing is really good; I recommend reading it.

"He doesn't understand the subtleties of slights and pains, that it is not the big events that hurt the most but rather the smallest questionable shift in tone at the end of a spoken word that can plow most deeply into the heart."

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I'm on an all-sushi diet. As of now, I mean; I did have doughnuts this morning. BUT, I've been gearing up for this for about a week, eating sushi for lunch Monday - Friday, and I'm now ready to go all the way. All fish, all the time. Bring on the wasabi.

Friday, July 06, 2007
I got books.
And ate Dolmas
and Shrimp Meconos.
And today's only July 6.

Thursday, July 05, 2007
I'm only a little jealous today when I receive an out-of-office alert from co-workers saying they'll return on Monday, July 9. While I certainly shouldn't complain about a day off, having the Independence Day holiday fall mid-week this year is a little inconvenient.

I guess I could have taken a couple of vacation days, but I really need the time to catch up. This is why I say I'm only a little jealous. However, I am actually a lot jealous. I'd prefer not to be behind in the first place.

Hope you had a Happy Independence Day.