Friday, August 25, 2006
I don't want to wear the same t-shirt everyday, so why would I want to listen to the same genre of music all the time? One must be more open-minded than that.
A friend and I were passing "Do yo chain hang lo?" lyrics back and forth yesterday, laughing at our pop culture knowledge and our embarrassing affection for stupid shit like that, which honestly, can just be plain fun. Like she said, sometimes you just want to shake your ass while under the hairdryer. It's not always about deep, metaphorical lyrics.
So anyway, I've been cheesing it up with frickin' Nickelback lately. I love that shit -- reminds me of "Rock-tober, Roll-vember" with the fricking Eagle station back in 1990. Robin remembers Slaughter and "Fly Back to the Angels." Ask her.
So happy Friday, and here are the latest lyrics blaring through my headphones.
Show me what it's like to be the last one standing
Teach me wrong from right, and I'll show you what I can be
Say it for me
Say it to me
And I'll leave this life behind me
Say it if it's worth saving me"
Amber is going to be so disappointed. After all of her efforts to introduce me to M. Ward, I'm listening to Nickelback and quoting Jibbs.
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Did I mention that we went to Florida the last weekend in July? It was Ryder's first time at the beach, and we did no more than eat, sleep and swim. It was wonderful.
I finally got around to posting this picture. Maybe I'll get around to writing something about it later. Or maybe not.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Today has been a very good day. Please take note of the date so that when I say "I've not had a good day in I don't know how long," you can respond with, "Since Aug. 16."
How did I just turn "I had a good day" into a seemingly negative post? I didn't mean it that way; it has been nice.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Another Item Broken. Add it to the growing list.In an attempt to get what I thought was possibly one toy out of our subwoofer speaker, I think I may have broken the thing thus paralyzing our entire surround-sound system. The DVD player is hooked into the system, so we can watch Bob, but we can't hear him. This qualifies as a serious household emergency. I have someone (my father) coming to check it out today.
So last night, Ryder and I watched Baby Einstein in his room on my laptop. Also, it turns out that there was not only a star-shaped block in the speaker, but also one of our busy popper balls. Perhaps I should have just let them go missing.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Because you've been dying to know: my windshield is now in perfect condition. One thing fixed, check.
I am a sucker. While we still love Bob,
Melmo is now in the picture as well. Lord help our household.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
It just goes to show that geniuses need not have cooking skills.
About once a week our company cafe has a particular special that works extremely well for me: a ginormous baked potato, two side items and any size fountain drink for $3.99. How can you beat that?
The best part is that it's enough to feed me at lunch and Ryder at dinner so I totally don't have to worry about that after work. AND it's much more healthy than going through the Wendy's drive thru, even if you can replace the fries with mandarin oranges.
I'm a SuperMom. People ask, "How do you do it?" They are in awe, so don't tell them my secrets, OK?
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
It was sometime during the month of May when a rock flew off a truck and hit my windshield while I was traveling west on I-30. May. And what was a chip turned into a crack within thirty minutes, and the crack has been growing ever since. I've marked its growth along the way with a permanent marker.
I find all of this rather symbolic.
So next Tuesday the windshield will be replaced. I'm tired of a constant visual reminder ... I'm just tired of staring at a crack. I want to fix what's broken. I'm starting with the windshield.