Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Just when we think Ryder's intestinal issues have subsided, I find myself at the drugstore buying more Similac DF. That's the official name, and the DF stands for Diarrhea Formula. Enough is enough already. I've learned how to disassemble the carseat and his bouncy chair, remove their covers, and change his bedding in record time.
To sum up August, it's been a long, messy month.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I'm cheating from now on. If showing off is allowed then cheating is also allowed.
It's too hot to lunch outside on the patio, even if that patio is covered and the covering supports multiple ceiling fans.
I rode to lunch in a kick ass vehicle. I know how shallow it is for me to say that, to be impressed by such materialism. I would've been more subtle you know, and just posted a picture of me laying across it, but I decided I'm a cheat. Not a show off.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Land Rover Service seriously sucks. I pray you consider this before purchasing one of these vehicles. Thank you very much.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Generally, I'd say I'm not prone to side effects. I rarely get them and if I do, they're usually very subtle so I was a little surprised to experience side effects from a recent perscription medication.
I've changed medications before, and it was a pretty smooth transition. I've also gone cold-turkey off some meds and not had any problems, but for some reason, this time, it's not going as well. This has something to do with my lack of posting lately ... and well, I'm just busy all the time. Imagine that.
I've changed positions at work, took on a new role, and I've been stressed. Even good changes can be stressful, I'm finding. It just seems like everything lately is a source of anxiety. Whaa, whaa, whaa. It's a hump. I'll get over it.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
When I walked into R's room this morning, I was immediately hit by the smell of vomit and diarrhea. The virus that's been going around daycare? Yeah, he caught it. You should have seen his crib. Brian saw it first, and yelled for me to come see the mess myself.
I began to untie the bumper pads, first thing, as Ryder was waking. He lifted his head, saw me, and began grinning. "Good morning, stinky," was all I could muster.